Welcome To gkmedha.com
GKMedha.com is a Professional Educational and Motivational Platform. Here we will provide you only interesting content, which you may like very much. We’re dedicated to providing you with the best Educational and Motivational content, with a focus on dependability and General Knowledge. We’re working to turn our passion for Educational and Motivational into a platform for Valuable Content. Likewise, we hope you enjoy our Educational and Motivational posts as much as we enjoy offering them to you.
I will keep posting more important posts on my Website for all of you. Please give your support and love.
The name GKMedha itself provides an insight into our Website. By now you could have guessed GK stands for General Knowledge and Medha is Wisdom, Intelligence and Super Mental ability. Mostly GK is data-based, but our aim is beyond this concept. We endeavour to highlight the Facts and or Data which have gone unnoticed. Maybe you wished to know these, but could not do them. Our aim is to upload interesting, useful must read Book Summaries, Articles, Images or even short Videos covering information about many topics of day-to-day use. You can explore all this knowledge by visiting GKMedha.
The Mission Specific of this website is to spread Knowledge. The Knowledge contained in our Scriptures may be specifically presented here.
Our Vision is to equip the visitors to this site with information and Knowledge about the topics of interest for everybody brought to light by modern Research or Scholars. Every piece of information may update the Knowledge base or General Knowledge of the person visiting this site.
The website may be initiated by one person or a group, but is always promoted by all those who visit the various pages and search for the information contained therein. Visitors’ referrals made through social media and other online tools play an important role in enhancing the ranking of a website. Thus, our esteemed visitors are the real Promotors.
After serving the people as a banker for 37 years, I keep myself busy associating with various social organizations. A desire to learn at the age of 73 resulted in an interest in the field of Graphic Designing, Digital Marketing, Website Building and After Effects. As a Content Writer, writing in Hindi and English helped me a lot to build this and other websites. I use a little bit of Sanskrit in my posts.
The idea of creating this website is just to share the knowledge gathered, which may be of some use to others. In the process, I may also learn.
I also manage a YouTube channel dedicated to describing a specific area of spiritual knowledge. I may provide a link to that wherever it is needed in my posts.
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